Page 62 - Folk Boat Year Book 2022
P. 62
Once again, I appeal to members to keep their details up to date. Please if
you sell your boat pass on the Association details to the new owners. A boat
that changes hands needs to be re-registered and if intending to race
Contributions for the Yearbook are needed. A few members have kindly sent
articles in however a few more would be helpful. A write up of a cruise, a
favourite anchorage, a piece of kit you have found useful, photos all will be
gratefully received.
The Secretary took the opportunity to thank the Committee for their
support, especially David Gredley whose encyclopaedic knowledge of all
things technical she would be lost without.
5. To receive a statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ending 31
December 2021
The 2021 Income and Expenditure sheet had been circulated to all members
prior to this meeting.
The Treasurer reported on the accounts.
Subscription income is up by a modest amount, with new members making
up for resignations.
Advertising income both in the Yearbook and on the website has increased,
so that the yearbook pays for itself now and the website income covers it’s
running costs.
The Association repaid the money Hallam Mills sent us in error.
As said in the Secretary’s report 2021 was a certificate year so the
Association is now holding £3,621.39 on behalf of the Nordics, with an
income of £690 from certificate and expenditure of £226.80 for calibration
and safety checks on the load cell. The Treasurer pointed out that historically
these figures have been shown in the Association Income and Expenditure
figures. If taken out (as this is money only held by the Association on behalf
of the Nordics) it would change the bottom-line figure for The Association to
minus £224.03.
One instalment for the new web site has been paid, the other two
instalments will be paid in 2022.