Page 65 - Folk Boat Year Book 2022
P. 65
Acceptance of new subscription rates
Proposed by Ed Donald
Seconded by Chris Baldwick
Accepted on a show of hands.
9. Acceptance of The UK Folkboat Association Constitution 2022
The President told the meeting that the National Committee had asked her
with the help of Claire Locke and David Gredley to assess the Association’s
constitution. It was felt that it was more beneficial to start from scratch
rather try just to do a review.
It was pointed out that this year’s elections were under the old rules
however from now on there would be fixed terms (3 years) to encourage
new and perhaps younger people to volunteer. Full Membership no longer
requires boat ownership, anyone can join or remain a full member with a
vote, a new category of Youth Membership allows any young person up to
the age of 21 to be a Youth Member and have a vote.
The Southern Area will be renamed the Folkboat Week Organising
Committee and there will be a Folkboat Week Forum during the week.
The new Constitution had been circulated to all members before the
The UK Folkboat Association Constitution 2022 was proposed by Stephen
Mead and seconded by Dirk Kalis.
Accepted on a show of hands.
10. Technical Chairman’s Report - David Gredley
The Technical Chairman reminded boat owners to apply for a new
measurement certificate, which includes having your boat weighed, when
any of the circumstances in B 4.0 of the rewritten UK FB Ass. Rules and Regs.
apply. Essentially, the boat has been subject to protest and found not to
comply; the boat has been altered, repaired or refitted so that its weight
may have changed (e.g. a new metal mast); corrector weights have been
altered or the ownership has changed. There have been quite a few changes
in ownership, but only a few applications for a new Cert. The Rules and Regs.