Page 32 - Folk Boat Year Book 2023
P. 32

She looked around, only to find-
    Mistress was mounting her behind!
    Poor Kingdom Come had lost his rudder
    And got towed in to get anudder.

    They’re in first place till they were hit
    Enough for Sally to say Sh——sugar!
    Then Jeremy wore a little frown
    As Blue Mist tried to mount Countdown.
    ‘Your class has only 5 today-
    Please keep your distance- go away!

    On Friday we were there in time,
    We had to get the bridge at Nine
    The sun was shining, sky was blue,
    The ROs wondered what to do
    We hung off buoys, oh dear me,
    A shame that Nordics can’t brew tea!

    We hoped the wind would fill in soon,
    But nothing stirred till nearly noon.

    Then all got going ‘gainst the tide
    All vying for that course inside.
    The kites looked stunning on that run
    Some stealing wind and having fun.
    But suddenly a voice rang out
    ‘Man overboard- there is no doubt’
    For John fell off the back of Jen
    - I’m sure he won’t do that again!

    He single handed left his wife
    Which might cause lesser women strife
    But Becci quickly doused the kite,
    Turned into wind, got all moves right,
    And like a pro, she picked him up
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