Election of National Committee
Current committee members are: Jim Tennant, Tony Smee, Chris Baldwick, Stuart
Watson and recently co-opted Philip Jenkins, all are willing to continue. The Chairman
emphasised that new additional members are always welcome. The attending
members voted on both the Election of offices and National committee by a show of
hands. Proposer Chris Bean, Seconder, Claire Locke.
Any Other Business
Matthew Jones handed over to the new Chairman David Fox. On behalf of the
Association David thanked both the retiring Chairman and Secretary for their hard work
over the past years and they were presented with mementos to show appreciation for
their time and commitment.
The new Chairman thanked all for his appointment, he is looking forward to the role
and wants to see how the class is developing around the country and also look at
ways to work on developing the fleet in Hamble. He asked for feedback from the floor
on future events.
The Chairman thanked the re-elected committee all the members for attending and
closed the meeting.
Tony Blachford, Secretary
18 March 2018
Future major events. There was discussion on whether should be both a National
Championships and a Southern Area Championships every year and whether the
SAC could be integrated into the Hamble Classic using some of the ringfenced
Nordic money to subsidise the event and mooring fees etc. There was also the
suggestion of holding the Nationals on the first weekend of Folkboat Week as
most competitors would be racing in FB Week, some felt this would result in a very
long week. Discussion also took place on the timing of the events in the calendar.
No decision was reached but the response gave the Chairman feedback for the
Metal masts. David Gredley gave an update on the new metal masts which has
been developed by a company called BM Mast under the name of Folkemast.
This mast looks more like the wooden spa as opposed to the Jon mast revision
and is larger in the upper section. Both spars performed well at the Gold Cup.
Tony Smee advised that he would be visiting the new FB builders in Germany in
FB cruisers. Philip Jenkins is organising a cruising rally on 5 May. All cruisers have
received details via the Secretary. Nordics are also invited to join.
Committee member James Hoare, was unable to attend the meeting but asked that
members were reminded of the Cowes Classic Regatta, which he has attended
in recent years. The dates are from 22-27 July, immediately after the Taittinger
Regatta. Last year five Nordics attended, and had a great time, both on and off the
water., One more boat, and there will be a separate class start.
The published Notice of race can be found at
Alternatively, contact James at