See the full race results:
Photos courtesy of the RSYC:
irst place ended in a last day hard fought Match Race that fooled many a competitor
who thought that these two boats had found more wind in unusual places and tried
to follow only to discover that they weren’t interested in winning this last race, only
beating each other.
The classics racing was equally tight, but finally Folkdance from Emsworth won the
day, despite some good results from Dirk Kalis, helming Kingdom Come. To add to
the excitement, several boats ran aground almost every day, but no damage was
done only the skippers’ pride!
The final Prize Giving Dinner with 105 sitting down to an excellent meal and a late-bar-
closing ended the week with everyone looking forward to next year.
David Fox
Save the date - 18th to 25th August 2018!