Minutes of the 57th UK Folkboat Association A.G.M.
The expiry date on Certificates which are not yet been renewed in accordance
with this new regime are not relevant. New Certificates will not bear an expiry
date. For boats renewing 30th April 2018 this will be the harmonisation year the
following will apply:
Your Nordic Folkboat racing certificate is due to be renewed 30th April 2018. Your
renewal this year will be for only 1 year and shall be on payment of £7.50 to the
Class Association bank account with the boat name as reference. By doing so
you will be confirming the following
That the vessel complies with current Nordic Class rules.
That each sail has been measured by an official measurer and has been fitted
with an official NFIA Red button
That the mast & boom are marked by measurement Bands.
That no alteration has been made to any corrector weights, either as originally
fitted, or subsequently fitted on any re-weighing of the vessel.
If you have any queries, please consult the Class Secretary and remember, your boat
will not be eligible to race without a current certificate.
A member commented that it was important to ensure that an email to members
informing them of the changes clearly stated that everyone understood that when they
paid they were confirming that the vessel complies with the Nordic Class rules.
The members confirming acceptance of the new scheme by a show of hands. The
changes were proposed by Sally Karlis and seconded by Chris Baldwick.
Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ending 31st December 2017
A copy of the 2017 Income v Expenditure sheet was circulated to all members before
the meeting.
• The secretary talked through the accounts and explained that although there
had been a loss in this year’s accounts this was magnified by the interest
payments at the end of the year. If the last day of December falls on a weekend
the end of year payment is credited at the beginning of January.
• This year had also seen the purchase of the load cell.
• The Alliance shares had risen in value showing a profit of £1357 over the year.
• The Year Book showed a false increase in costs due to a late invoice from the
web site company.
The secretary thanked James Hoare for auditing the accounts. There were no queries
on the accounts. The members accepted the accounts by a show of hands. Proposer
Jim Tennant, Seconder Graham Coulter.
Election of Officers
Matthew Jones retires as Chairman and is succeeded by David Fox. Jim Hoare is
Vice Chairman. Tony Blachford retires as Secretary/Treasurer and is succeeded by
Nicky Henderson From 1st May 2018 and Technical Chairman David Gredley