Yearbook 2018 - page 6

Although the membership has declined a little, the enthusiasm certainly hasn’t. The
Nordic version is thriving in racing numbers, and the traditional “classic” boats has had
a resurgence of interest owing to the efforts of a few of the newer members, which
hopefully result in an increased level of meets and rallies, to which the Nordics are
encouraged to join in, when the calendar permits.
Currently, the lead on this is coming from relatively recent member Philip Jenkins,
who has acquired FB 559 Smokey (coincidentally the first of my family owned boats).
Which won the open division in the late 1970s.
There are signs of a growing interest in the Hamble area , and one hopes that, as in
Yarmouth, and particularly Lymington, the numbers will grow to a point, where growth
becomes self-perpetuating. Fingers crossed! It was hoped that we could hold an
event there in the autumn, The Hamble Classics Regatta but unfortunately, a change
in the date of the Nordic Nationals made it impossible, but there are plans to try again
next year.
The Yearbook is the final stages of production, in the hope that it will be on the website
as an “eBook” by the end of April, way ahead of what we have recently been able to
achieve, thanks to the co-operation of the contributors. It will have been the fourth
year that Becky Jane has brilliantly pulled the thing together, and we owe her our
heartfelt thanks
I have thoroughly enjoyed looking after the admin side of the Association for the last
few years, particularly working closely with Matthew and Tech Chairman David G. My
greatest thanks is to my wife Debbie, who has not only fielded numerous phone calls
and input all the data to produce the accounts, but has attended all our meetings to
take minutes, which is a godsend, as I got so interested in the subject matter, that
there would be no chance of me remembering things as they went along.
I wish our new Chairman, David F, and Secretary, Nicky every success, and hope that
they enjoy their new roles as much as Matthew and I have done. It is fitting that the
Class headquarters is returning to Yarmouth, it’s spiritual home!
2018 Changes to Nordic Folkboat Racing Certification.
These changes represent a streamlined more efficient process both for members and
the Association.
The renewal of the racing certificates for the Nordic Folkboat is cumbersome from two
1. The Secretary receives an application form, which he then has to check against
the bank statement to see if the fee has been received. This is complicated by
the fact that the fee is the same amount as paid by members renewing their
Association membership and arrived in the bank account at the same time of
Minutes of the 57th UK Folkboat Association A.G.M.
1,2,3,4,5 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,...52
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