Yearbook 2016 - page 39

A smart green boat has joined the Cruisers
The others feared that they’d be losers.
For Dirk had bought a Swedish job,
He’s kitted out – with a few bob!
An inboard engine, prop to fold,
With brand new sails – he’s in for gold!
Kingdom Come
, without a doubt –
And ‘Hallelujah! We must shout!’
The Pontoon party was a laugh
As David slipped and took a bath!
A rib saved him from full submersion,
But we thought it a great diversion.
Teresa told me ‘It’s all true,
His buttocks now are black and blue!’
Sometimes it’s useful at the back
When you see leader’s sails go slack
And see the teasing breeze then fail
And those poor guys just sit and wail,
As they drift backwards with the tide.
It’s not a happy, easy ride.
We’ve never ever beaten
And only seen him from the back.
This time it was the first time ever
And not because we’re very clever –
Mimi, The Otter,
Cloud Cuckoo
All knew exactly what to do.
We edged along the West White shore
To make Lym Bank and pass a score.
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