Page 50 - Folk Boat Year Book 2023
P. 50

on the boom. The maximum position of the forward edge of the black band
            is 3380mm from the aft face of the mast. That is not the aft face of the mast
            including the cut out at the goose neck, but the aft face of the mast on an
            imaginary line projected down from the aft face of the mast taken from the
            face of the sail track. DG suggested that owners check their black bands.
            If anyone has any queries or thoughts for Technical Chairman he would be
            happy to try and answer them. There is no minimum weight for a wooden
            mast. Claire Sowry asked if boat weights could be made public.

         10. The Sessan Cup 2022. Report
            Chris Baldwick: Chairman Sessan Cup Committee.
            CB told the meeting that he would not give a blow-by-blow account of the
            Sessan Cup as Claire and Julian had done a great write up of the event which
            is available on the Royal Lymington web site and will be in the FB Year Book.
            The event was 3 years in the planning from the time the Association was
            awarded the event to the start of the event, however Covid intervened,
            making meetings very difficult and having to be done via Zoom. 2022 was the
            100th anniversary of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club CB said he had hoped
            that they would make more of the Sessan Cup, it being the only international
            event of the year. However, the support was not forthcoming, with major
            changes in personnel at a very inappropriate time. CB thanked the sponsors
            all of whom were very helpful; Spencers, Europa Composites, Walcon,
            Lymington Yacht Haven and North Sails. It was decided to take a light touch
            re. weighing which on the whole was the right approach and worked well.
            Travel grants did not actually seem to make any difference and the money
            could perhaps have been better used (Free Beer!!!) James Hoare, David
            Gredley and the Sowrys were all thanked for their input into the running of
            the event. The social side was particularly successful. CB commented that if
            he took anything away from the running of the event it was that on the
            water communications need to be clear and short and also that a
            windward/leeward event can be run successfully in Christchurch Bay, if you
            get the tides right, and that he hoped we would use Christchurch Bay more.

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