Page 45 - Folk Boat Year Book 2023
P. 45

I have spent some time this winter on documenting all the Association
            Trophies. Deeds of gift, past winners, what they are for and where they are.
            The web site is now up and running, although it has had quite a lot of glitches
            and at times seems to have a mind of its own. However slowly with a lot of
            help from my "in house" IT consultant, it is coming together. It now has a lot
            of information on it, the Gallery still needs pictures and the fleet pages are
            yet to happen. NFIA also has a new web page with all the Nordic information
            on it.
            This year 2023 is a 'Nordic Measurement Certificate ' year. Certificates must
            be renewed bi-annually. There are 51 current certificates. Owners will be
            sent a renewal form in April. It has one extra question on it this year about
            mast type. The type of mast that a Nordic has will now be put on the
            certificates, this is going to be a NFIA requirement soon.
            As usual there are the same old appeals.
            Please tell the Secretary if any of your details change especially if you sell
            your boat and please pass on the Association details to a new owner and
            encourage your crew to become a member. Also as usual we are looking for
            contributions for the Yearbook, especially from cruising boats and of course

         5.  To receive a statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ending 31
            December 2022
            First the Treasure apologised, there had to be a revision to the accounts. She
            said the error was entirely hers and that it should have been picked it up
            when the accounts were finalised at the beginning of January. This was an
            allocation error in Subscriptions.  Subscriptions come into the Associations
            two bank accounts. HSBC and Lloyds. The HSBC figure was in fact the total
            figure for subscriptions then the Lloyds figure was added again (An XL spread
            sheet allocation error) . Giving an extra £1,551 to the Subs value; so giving a
            bottom line for Income of £6863.55 which should have been £5312.55. It
            was estimated last year that increasing subscriptions would give us an about
            extra £750 a year, assuming no drop off in membership. We in fact got an
            extra £547. The last years subscriptions spread sheet was very colourful as

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