Page 46 - Folk Boat Year Book 2023
P. 46

not only were members being asked to pay a different amount but to also
            pay it to a different bank. Inevitably this led to some chaos. Right
            amount/wrong bank; wrong amount/ wrong bank etc. Given all this the
            Treasure suggested that subscriptions be kept at the same level for this year
            and try and get everyone singing from the same hymn sheet. Brokerage was
            significantly up last year, perhaps helped by the new web site. Adverts in the
            Yearbook and on the website were enough to cover the running costs of
            both. There was of course very little income from certification as this income
            is mostly bi-annual. Expenditure was very much as the year before, except
            for the one off payment to the Sessan Cup Account at the Royal Lymington
            from the Nordic Account to support the Sessan Cup. You will also note that
            we now pay £60 a year bank charges, this is for the HSBC account. Given the
            level of service that we have experienced from them you would understand
            why I am trying to move our business to Lloyds TSB. All this has given us a
            loss on Income over Expenditure of £1.012.50. However given that we had
            the one-off expenditure of £1800 from the Nordic Account. We have pretty
            much broken even.
            The Treasurer asked if there were any questions.  Julian Sowry asked about
            the Alliance Trust shares and why they were in the accounts at their
            purchase price and not account worth. The Treasurer thought that this was
            historical and that both were shown. Mark Hall asked why there were two
            bank accounts. The Treasure said she did not know why she inherited them
            when she took over, however it is hoped that the HSBC account will
            gradually get shut.
            Acceptance of the Accounts was proposed by Tim Cowin and seconded by
            Mathew Jones.
            Passed by a show of hands from the membership.

         6.  Election of Officers
            The Chairman told the meeting that it was at this point that Sally Kalis
            was stepping down as President of the Association. He thanked her on
            behalf of the Association for all her hard work and quiet diplomacy, she
            has been a great active support not only to him but to the overall

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