Page 24 - Folk Boat Year Book 2023
P. 24

grandmother took hers from Sydney to    MEET THE MAN WHO TOOK THE
    Southampton, battling 10 metre-high     PICTURES
    seas along the way.                     As any marine photographer will tell
    As well as the inevitable derivatives,   you, there’s no substitute for getting
    Sunden introduced his own, hugely       close to the action. A long lens may be
    successful GRP International Folkboat   OK for the paperazzi but at sea where
    (subsequently renamed the IF Boat for   everything’s moving, it’s simply a
    legal reasons) but it wasn’t until 1977   liability. Using a 12ft inflatable, Tim
    that a glassfibre Folkboat was approved   Wright (below) learned the hard way. In
    by the Scandinavian Sailing Association.   1993 he was living aboard his 34 ft yacht
    Closely resembling the original, right
    down to weight distribution, it prospered
    and thrived.
    However, for some of us, the originals
    are best. The one pictured here is a
    genuine, 1947, Nordic Folkboat, built in
    Sweden of fir and larch on oak and fully
    restored in 2013 by Leo Goolden who
    sailed her across the Atlantic.
    This elegant resurrection, then won her
    class in the Antigua Classics Yacht
    Regatta. A busy young boatbuilder, Leo   in the Caribbean and started
    sold Lorema in 2017 to concentrate on   photographing yachts just in order to
    restoration projects but the memories   survive. Today he’s still there, and
    linger on.                              recognised as one of the best in the
                                            business, spending much of the year
    Just a simple girl...                   afloat but also covering regattas in the
    After all, this ocean-conquering,       UK and the Mediterranean.
    headline-grabber was a concept with     His superb shots of Lorema are typical
    such humble pretentions; a basic,       of his trademark approach and show
    stripped-down, engineless shell designed   exactly why his work is so much in
    for picnicking, racing and lazy days on   demand.
    Scandinavian fjords. Surprises don’t
    come much bigger than this.             Details:

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