Page 20 - Folk Boat Year Book 2023
P. 20


     Rodger Witt, editor of "Wessex Magazine", has kindly given me permission
     to reprint the article he wrote for the Winter 2022 edition of "Wessex

    Who designed the Folkboat? Was it Tord   seven of them, then charged Sunden
    Sunden, the Scandinavian Yacht Racing   with completing the final construction
    Union, or God? Fact that this exquisite   drawings. The process that should have
    blend of aesthetics and efficiency      created a camel, instead came up with a
    emerged from a botched Swedish design   swan – which was why the SYRU took the
    competition in 1941 is nothing short of   credit – as well as the royalties.
    The judges merely wanted a simple       Nothing special
    ‘people’s boat’ but, unable to pick a   Even so, the result was greeted with a
    winner from the 58 entries, asked three   limp round of applause and that, it
    designers to combine the best bits from   seemed, was that. Except that it wasn’t.

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