Page 7 - Folk Boat Year Book 2022
P. 7
New Fleet Captains
In addition to Kim Morley at Hamble, we have Mark Hall in Yarmouth, and this year
Claire and Julian Sowrey have taken on the Lymington Fleet as joint captains. We are
grateful to you all for your hard work and commitment, keep up the good work but
above all, have fun. Many thanks to our good friend John Whyte following his
retirement as Lymington Captain.
Our New Constitution
The Constitution and Rules of the UK Folkboat Association have been re-written to
make sure that the future of Folkboats in the UK keeps pace with change, whether to
rules or technologies and, in particular to encourage youth membership.
We have also established a succession for officers and committee members to
encourage more people to come forward and sit on the committee, representing
their fleets by giving racing expertise, technical support, financial, communication and
event management skills. Within the new rules terms of office will normally be three
years, so that we hope people will feel willing to make a commitment for a finite
period of time. Serving on the committee has been a really enjoyable experience for
me, sharing ideas and supporting our shared goals with a great team of like-minded
Folkboat enthusiasts.
We really hope that more of our very able members will volunteer to join a
flourishing committee supporting Folkboat fleets knowing they won’t be committed
for life. The advent of Zoom has made it easier to attend meetings, so there is no
excuse. I’ve heard other organisations complain about Zoom being a bit stilted, not so
our meetings which have been full of good humour, productive and enjoyable, most
of us kicking off with a glass in hand and some social chit chat along with David Fox’s
jokes. I know you will all be queuing up to come on the committee next year.
In line with the new succession setup, I shall be standing down at the next AGM, we
shall look forward to receiving nominations to replace me, preferably someone who is
not, like me, nearly as old as the first Folkboat, and some of those may be in better
The New Website is coming on stream as I write and will give us a better and easier
to navigate experience. Thanks to Nicky Henderson, our hard working secretary for
implementing it.