Page 7 - Folk Boat Year Book 2021
P. 7

Gloucester), Northern England and       This year’s AGM was combined with the
     Scotland. Is there anyone still out there   2020 AGM, which had to be cancelled at
     who has the will to get some of these   the last minute as we went into first
     local associations going again?  There are   lockdown. By March this year Zoom had
     a number of good boats for sale, and it   become a means of excellent
     would be good to see more Nordic Fleets   communication and our AGM was run
     around the country. The Nordic has      smoothly, with a good atmosphere of
     proved to be a great fleet racing option,   camaraderie whilst getting the business
     being tough and seaworthy, but with     done.
     great racing performance. You only have
     to look at the success of the           Despite the difficulties of the last year, a
     Scandinavian fleets and the number of   great deal of work has been done behind
     events and championships they take part   the scenes by the committee, particular
     in, as well as the growth over recent   thanks to David Gredley for updating the
     years of the West Solent fleet. What do   rules, agreed at the AGM; to Simon
     you need, and how can we help? Get in   Osgood for the work he does on the
     touch with our secretary, Nicky         international committee and for
     Henderson, she is doing a great job trying   furthering our connections with the
     to find lots of missing Folkboats and   international fleets also, congratulations
     owners.                                 to him for being elected Secretary to The
                                             Nordic International Folkboat
     Next year’s planning for our special    Committee, NIFA; to David Fox as
     regatta, combining the international    chairman who co-ordinates all the
     Sessan Cup and the re-imagined Walcon   committee’s work and who this year has
     Cup, incorporating the Nationals, is well   become master of the Zoom meetings;
     under way under the chairmanship of     and to all who have contributed to
     Lymington Folkboat sailor, Chris Baldwick   difficult decisions over the last year with
     and his organising committee. The       good humour and wise council.
     regatta takes place in the 80th
     anniversary year of the Nordic Folkboat,   Nicky Henderson as secretary of the
     adding great significance to a regatta   association appears to give unlimited
     which will attract foreign competitors   time to all manner of responsibilities.
     and lead to a great celebration. More   Nothing is too much trouble; she never
     news in this edition and on the website.   has a problem only a solution. All
                                             because she loves Folkboats. Thank you,
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