Page 5 - Folk Boat Year Book 2021
P. 5
A message from the President
recommendation of white sails with a
crew of 2 up, and cruisers can stay
overnight on their boats from April 12th.
The National Committee will review its
guidance according to changes in
government rules.
Watching the replays of the America’s
Cup was a terrific diversion during the
final weeks before getting on the water
We are at last looking more again. Sad that the British entry lost in
optimistically at the forthcoming sailing the final stages after Sir Ben Ainslie’s
season, with the oldies among us having great fight, but it was a great effort
had at least one dose of vaccine. What a together with Jim Ratcliffe and Ineos.
triumph the vaccine roll-out has been, Fantastic news that Ineos will back Ben
following a roller-coaster year of again for the next challenge. I have to
lockdowns, rising cases and difficult admit to having a foot in the Italian camp
restrictions, especially for sailing. so there was a good deal of excitement
in this house when Luna Rossa went on
At the time of writing this I hope you will to the final challenge.
be preparing your boats and getting
ready to go racing or cruising again if only I wonder how you have all survived the
with two crew and white sails, as was relentless lockdown, we asked
recommended by your committee back committee members to give us an idea
in November. I think we made a good call what they got up to during lockdown,
in the somewhat prophetic belief that one of our committee members built a
things were not going to change in a rowing skiff which you will read about. I
hurry. The governments roadmap has got around to writing a potted memoire
been published and things are going well for my grandchildren on Sounds and
on the vaccine front, we are beginning to Scents of a Lifetime. Sounds and scents
get the odd green light as the take me back in time instantly, writing
government confirms each stage of about them passed away some of the
opening up. In line with the RYA weary lockdown hours and transported
Guidance racing was able to start on 29th me back to almost forgotten normal ways
March with the National committee of life. I was a bit preoccupied with how