Page 15 - Folk Boat Year Book 2021
P. 15

people I knew, I found it a lovely place to
     stay anchored for a couple of days.

     Dropping Rupert off at Plymouth, I took
     Spiritus home alone. It’s always the
     return across Lyme Bay, and ambitions to
     make Lymington in one go that scuppers
     me. Even leaving Dartmouth at dawn you
     end up fighting a foul tide after Portland
     bill and I found myself on the ledge off St
     Albans Head. I realised I shouldn’t be
     there. The sun was going down and I was
     making half a knot over the ground with   And I plan to do it all again this year but
     four knots on the log, rolling madly with   onward to the Scilly isles!
     the spinnaker set. The engine wouldn’t
     have done any better, so I dropped the   Spiritus FB605 is a classic wooden
     kite and rushed out to sea on a broad   Folkboat, beautifully built in 1983 by the
     reach. As usual the counter intuition of   late John Perry who was featured in the
     heading away from where you want to go   last yearbook. She is currently berthed in
     paid off. Soon the sea was calmer, and I   Lymington Yacht Haven.
     could make better progress past the
     marked mile posts which took all of an
     hour to pass. In the enveloping dusk, I
     turned in for the calm of Studland Bay
     eschewing the charms of Swanage.
     Licking my wounds and sorting out a very
     wet boat, whiskey and sleep soon catch
     up with you leaving me fresh faced to
     thread my way between Britain’s finest
     cruise ships, back to the sanity of the
     Solent the next morning.

     All Photographs by Stephen Mead
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