Election of President
The Chairman told the meeting that the Committee had considered long and hard
about a new President. The person would need to be a Folkboat sailor interested in
both racing and cruising, preferably with experience in race management; dealing
with sailors and event management. The Chairman and Committee recommended
Sally Kalis (SK) to the members. Sally was elected with a show of hands.
SK accepted and said she was honoured to have been chosen. She paid tribute to
the past President Robin Walters.
Election of Officers
The Officers of the Association, apart from President are: Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Technical Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer. These Officers are elected each year at
the A.G.M. The following Officers are eligible for re-election or are willing to be
Chairman David Fox; Vice Chairman James Hoare; Technical Chairman David
Gredley; Secretary / Treasurer Nicky Henderson. These officers were proposed,
seconded and then elected on block by a show of hands.
Election of National Committee
The following were elected at last year’s AGM and are willing to continue on the
Committee: Chris Baldwick, Philip Jenkins, Stephen Mead,Tony Smee, Jim
Tennant, Stuart Watson and Simon Osgood, who was co-opted in 2018 after he was
elected to the Nordic International Folkboat Association Committee (NIFA). These
Committee members were proposed, seconded and then elected on block by a
show of hands.