Yearbook 2019 - page 6

Minutes of the 58th U.K. Folkboat Association A.G.M.
To receive a statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ending 31st
December 2018.
The 2018 income and expenditure sheet was circulated to all members prior to this
The Treasurer talked through the accounts:
As you can see Subscription Income has dropped. Due perhaps to the change of
the Secretariat at the same time as subs were due. Members might not have been
chased as vigorously as they might have been.
Alliance Trust income was higher as the last quarter of 2017 came in after the 31st
of December. So, there are five quarters income this year.
Racing Certificate income (Nordic Fund) was down because boats whose certificates
were due only paid for one year. Fromnow on income from this streamwill be biannual,
except for boats that are new to racing, change hands or have to be reweighed.
Insurance Commission was up.
The Alliance shares have risen a little again this year and now stand at £10,320.00.
Taking Income over Expenditure with Liabilities for 2018, we made a loss of £421.40.
Questions on the Finance Report.
Chris Baldwick (CB) asked what was being done about the £600 liability to Hallum
Mills. This is a long-standing liability that has not been resolved for several years,
it was a payment made to the Folkboat Account in error. CB offered to try and see
Hallum Mills.
There being no other questions regarding the accounts, the accounts were proposed
and accepted by the meeting with a show of hands.
The Secretary said she would like to thank James Hoare for auditing the accounts
and Debbie Blachford for her excellent accounting program. James Hoare had
indicated that he wished to stand down as Auditor and that Graham Coulter (GC)
would be willing to stand. James Hoare proposed GC and CB seconded. GC was
elected by a show of hands.
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