Statement of Income and Expenditure
1. All members have been emailed a copy of the 2016 accounts.
2. There was an overpayment by a member caused by the member’s bank putting in
place monthly instead of an annual standing order.
3. Brokerage income is down although adverts remain at the same level. Brokerage
fees are on a sliding scale depending on boat value. This year has seen mainly
older boats worth around £2,000 selling which generates a lower listing fee.
4. Registration fees are increased due to more boats changing hands.
5. Alliance Trust dividend appears to be down but is in fact not, the dividend can
come right at end of year, sometimes end of December or beginning of January
(as was the case this year). This will look more healthy at end of 2017.
6. Advertising income for the 2016 year book was down. 2015 saw the Yacht Haven
as a major sponsor of the 50th anniversary Folkboat Week agreeing to pay for an
advert though first assuming that the association should give advertising for free.
A Surveyor and Solent Fenders also did not renew their adverts as they had not
any new business that they were anticipating in response to the advert.
7. Huge saving were made with the Year Book now being electronic. The previous
Year Book weighed 101 grams and once you the break 100-gram limit there is a
huge rise in postage costs, (we worked around the problem last time!) printing
fees have also risen for small full colour runs.
8. The item titled ‘Fees’ refer to SCRA and RYA affiliation fees.
9. Website maintenance costs increased up due to the training course for the
Chairman and Secretary and the cost of sorting the web site hacking.
10. The item miscellaneous refers to an unexpected invoice from Eddie Mays for the
article on the 50th Anniversary as Folkboat Week apparently had no money to pay
this fee.
11. The Chairman thanked James Hoare for his good work auditing the accounts and
asked if he would be willing to continue as auditor, James agreed.
Acceptance of the accounts was proposed by Chris Baldwick and seconded by Jeremy
Austin supported by a show of hands from attendees.
The Chairman commented on the Nordic restricted fund which is raised from the
issue of measurement certificates. The committee decided to investigate spending
some of the money and David Gredley and Chris Balwick offered to compile a list of
suggestions. The suggestions range from the purchasing a load cell, sponsoring a
boat with sails for Gold Cup, they would be then returned and used as prizes. Getting
quality photos etc. in order to promote Nordic Folkboat racing.
Minutes of the 56th UK Folkboat Association A.G.M.